Wednesday, October 23, 2013


This assignment was about capturing people showing their vulnerability. This required taking pictures using a plain white background, not using props and making sure the model wasn't smiling or displaying any facial expressions.The photographer, Richard Avedon, was the inspiration for this assignment.


  1. I really like these pictures! You did a great job of capturing the vulnerability of the models! Nice work!

  2. My favorite pictures are the third and sixth picture because they have the subject in the center of the square frame and vulnerability is clearly shown. Also, they have completely no shadows so awesome job in creating this effect. For the other pictures, I recommend centering the pictures by cropping them.

  3. You did a really good job of taking all these photos. You really got the models to show their emotions.

  4. You did a really good job at capturing your models emotion. I think the third picture is your best.

  5. I really like your photos, you did a good job of capturing your models emotions. I particularly like your fourth photo.

  6. I really like how the models in these pictures showed the emotion of anger. That is a hard one to display on camera and make it believable but it really did work out here. The only constructive criticism I would say is that some of the pictures looked very similar and maybe changer it up with some other emotions. Great job!
