Thursday, March 13, 2014

Street Photography Three

For this assignment I furthered my street photography series. I continued to photograph houses, cafes, store fronts and urban life of San Francisco. Once again I tried to capture different feelings and aspects of the city, while taking pictures around the neighborhood.


  1. Nice work Kaeli! You seem to be maintaining a pastel color scheme for this batch. I love the first picture with the blossoms and the branches framing the doorway and the window. The third picture is slightly out of place because it is darker and more somber than the other pictures. Consider editing the brightness of that picture so that it matches the tone of the other images.

  2. Good job Kaeli! My favorite picture is the third one. I like how all of your pictures have a pastel feel to them!

  3. Nice work! I really like how all your images have a vintage feel to them.
