Friday, April 4, 2014

Group Project

For this assignment we tried to take pictures of people in our class in their style of photography.

 For Lindsey's portrait I edited the picture in black and white and drew in a plain black background in order to capture a still life feeling.
 For Ale's portrait I also edited the picture in black and white and made the background completely black, to create the style of still life.
 For Iriana's portrait I edited the photo in black and white and tried to capture raw emotions to create an Avedon feeling to the photo.
 For Jessie's portrait I tried to create a nostalgic feel to the picture, by playing around with the temperature and editing the pictures with filters that she use, like daguerreotype. 
 For Ramona's portrait I took a picture of her out on the street and edited the photo using cross process to show her style of street photography.
For Simon's portrait I tried to create his style of double exposure but importing another photo onto his portrait.

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