Monday, September 23, 2013

Depth Staging

This assignment was centered around staging depth. In order to do so I tried to get close up to an object allowing there to be space between the two objects in the frame.


  1. Your photos really represent depth staging. They all have a prominent foreground and background aspect to all of them. My favourite is the one where you are looking over the balcony. It is really dynamic. I also like how you included rule of thirds and leading lines into your pictures. Maybe next time try to have a blurrier background to show more depth. Good Work!

  2. Kaeli, I really love your pictures. I think that the best picture of the depth staging would be the one of the fire alarm and the door in the background.In my opinion, the picture that shows the understanding of the assignment the least, would be the one with the fence as in the birds eye view. i think it would have been better if the fence did not have so many bars and it was covering some of background below. But I really love your pictures!

  3. Your photos create real depth. They all accomplished it really well and all of them are my favorite. You are a master of depth staging. The only one that doesn't accomplish it perfectly is the one of the fence. The bars obstruct the photo a little bit and take away from the whole photo. I love all of them

  4. Your photos are beautiful. All your photos are great examples of depth staging. I think your strongest example of is the first photo. The weakest example would be the third photo. It is a great photo, but it just illustrates the idea of depth staging the least. I think the idea behind the photo is really cool, it just doesn't feel like there is on main focus.

  5. I love your second pictures as it has some repetition but draws me into the photo. In your fifth photo, the picture seems slightly flat so try adding more depth with your camera angle.

  6. Hi Kaeli,
    I really like the second photo as it shows the distance between the people in the background and the pole in the foreground.
    I think the fourth picture could be improved if there was a more noticeable object in the background to draw attention.

