Monday, September 9, 2013

3 by 3

The photo above is a picture of a street parking sign. When I took this I was thinking about different angles and depth.
In this photo I was thinking about angles. I decided to kneel so I could get a different perspective.
This photo is apart of the same scene as the photo above. This time I tried to get closer to the cement and experiment with a different angle.
In the photo about I was thinking about depth and getting close up to the tree.
In the photo above I was thinking about angles and I was trying to get a unique perspective by getting under the sign and pointing the camera upward.
 In this photo I was experimenting with a lower angle and farther away than the photo below.
This photo of a flower is a much much closer up and has a mid angle.
In this picture I was thinking about depth and the perspective of kneeling on the ground to get a lower angle.
In the picture above I tried to get close to the rocks and leaves as well as trying to capture a mid angle.

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